Enter the parking lot by way of the driveway between the church and the Cemetery.
Turn left at the entrance to the old gym and proceed toward the cafeteria entrance. Form one single lane of traffic.
Pull up to the area by the cafeteria to unload students. Students can leave from their car in front of the cafeteria entrance when you have reached the front of the line.
Pull into parking space between the church and playground if extra time is required.
If parked, please walk your children to the door. Do not send children alone through moving cars.
Exit by a right turn to Church Road.
Late arrival:
Students arriving after 8:30 AM should enter the Main Office accompanied by their parent or guardian to be signed into the school building.
Enter the parking lot by way of the driveway between the church and the Cemetery.
Please do NOT arrive prior to 2:40p.m.
Form lanes parallel to the guard rail. The first lane forms next to the guard rail. There should be at least 3 lanes formed. The lead car in each lane should pull all the way to the end of the guard rail.
The faculty will escort children – you will meet them by the guardrail and walk them to your vehicle.
Once children are safely in vehicles, cars will be released in order of arrival (Lane 1, Lane 2, Lane 3). A faculty member will give a gentle reminder to return to your vehicle and will use a stop/go sign to indicate the time to move vehicles. Please NEVER pull around to exit a lane more quickly. Cars exit via right turn onto Church Road. Please drive slowly!
1) To facilitate an efficient exit for all, please leave all pets in vehicles when getting your children, and immediately proceed to your vehicle once your children have been met.
2) If you are running late to pick up your child(ren), and the car dismissal has already begun, please pull into the parking spaces adjacent to the cemetery and walk behind the car lanes to meet your child(ren).
3) You should NOT park in the main/front lot and expect your child(ren) to walk up top for dismissal.